As describle by James, Or by any other people. Sleep-Work-Eat-Shit-Sleep-Work-Eat-Shit Our life just go on and on this very way. To sum up everything. Sacrifice is the thing need. In this realistic world, You cant have the best of 2 world.
That is why weekends are there. And the annual leave that has been granted. Together with the public holiday. That shall be the time of life. Other than that the night shall be rest time. No work just plain resting. Relax yourself, go overseas Indulge yourself with Spa, Soccer or Scramble. Food, Coffee or having chill out session.
Then the rest of the day from 0730 to 1900hrs Shall be the time to work, earn as hard. Think even harder to crave out a better future. Everyone has to constantly upgrade themselves Otherwise they will fall behind. In terms of promotion, increment or even bonus.
Everyone has their way of leading their life. Plug and play of the styles of different people. And inputting it to your life. This is why we never influence our way of thinking. We just give opinions.
The luxury of been young is not having much worries abt tml. Indeed its the most enjoyable part in everyone life. No matter how we fall we are able to get up fast. Thats why when we are older, We tend to take more precaution. Cause knowing that every step we take affects our life later. In order to have a better life later. We tried to tailor our own life. Making sure that we are heading towards the correct direction.
Build a base first before thinking of heading elsewhere. What I feel in Maslow(mabe wrong spelling) Theory, Survival -> Security -> Society -> Self-Improvement -> Self fulfilment This actually forms up a pyramid, With survival being the base. Think of your survival which is your basic needs Food, Transport, Housing being the basic need. After you can meet your need, Then think of some other thing towards security. Such as insurance, getting a foothold in your company. So to ensure yourself that you will be getting your basic need. Cause the basic survival is only more to day to day basis.
And when reaching to society. Means getting recognise of someone of status. Or say well-known in your playing field. For the other 2 levels, Self improvement(or some other thing) and Self fulfilment. Are towards/for people who upgrade themselves to a higher level. Where they will constantly set for themselves higher goals. Which is to say, Getting the 1st three levels are hard. Once you are someone noticeable. Then the other two are what you will do to push yourself even higher.
Back to say. Get a good job or say career. Do something which will enhance your knowledge Clock the necessary experience towards your goal. Make an effort to save for rainy days. Choose the path you wanna head. And try to work towards it.
We used to soccer, cycling, camps. There is always so much activiies for us to do. Now that if we wanna soccer/tennis or what. There isnt anymore commitment like the past. When we can meet every thursday for Street Soccer. Times are different or perhaps can someone show an interest again? To have a night to sweat it out, week in week out. Soccer, basketball, badminton, tennis or any other. Guess that this day will not come so fast. If so perhaps should out-source for other kakis.
This is what I feel after reading James blog. The kind of commitment and sacrifice we once had. Was no longer in us anymore. How I wish the passion to grow in everyone again.
Roger so far..
DeviLbiker 3:16 at 1:48 am
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