After reading Kel's blog. Indeed that was the good old days. Too much ever to be pen down over here. If this blog is ever to continue. It shall also record down the things we ever done.
Some of the photos are the old traditional film type. So I shall scan it in and post it at flicker. Too much of good days we had shared. And of cos the times we 'play' together.
It has been a long time since we had known each other. Namly: Edward (Yu-Hsiang), Terence (Junjie), Kelvin Weili, Hancheng, James and me (Benjamin). Dunno whether to include some other friend of ours. We had known each other since 1992. Some got to know earlier. But we conclude the year as 1993. When James joined the Boys' Brigade. That is how we got together as a group. Back then...
Our weekends were all BB, BB and BB. It seem nothing else. Meet up early in the morning to polish our uniform equipment. To the parade in the noon. And soccer from 5pm to 8. Dinner followed or say supper. Back at home at around 11pm. Goosh dunno why we are tahan. Sunday for some are to church. Be it with vineyard or to St paul. There is sure a group of us together.
Initially before our group was skimmed down to 7 of us. Year by year they left due to interest lost in BB. Yonghe, Dongsheng, Zhichun, Zhiqiang.. blah blah blah.. Thats why the 7 of us got this kind of bonding. True anot you can ask them yourself. Perhaps what I see, say might be wrong.
Night cycling was so common for us. Mt Faber being our favourite spot. For the down part being of much interest to us. Speed, balls and crash was part of what is need to enjoy there. No balls= no speed= no crash. Got it?
Drill competition was one of the reason for scaling down the group. Was involved with this in 1993. When we got to train for weeks after weeks. To get the co-ordination between 18 boys then. Trained for so long, but we only got to perform for 10minutes. Yes its 10 minutes.
Hike competition in 1994 and 1996. 1994 with Hanping, Zhiwei, Dongsheng, Weili, Kelvin and me. 1996 with Weili, Hancheng, James and me not forgetting our dear friend. Who had cause us 20% deduction in points before we ever start the trip. I dunno why before this very trip, got a very strange feeling. So ask Junjie to try calling his house number. Sorry friend, I know I was wrong, I shouldnt doubt my friend. Too bad I was correct. And for the rest of us we were indeed sad to see this. 15th position after 20% deduction. He had spoiled the plans of top 10 finish.
1997 dec combined camp with St Paul. This the time when so much things had happen. Because of miscommunication, misunderstanding. Nearly lose a friend there. That was what I just happen to find out much recently.
2000 before kel n me going to serve our nation. Went over to Hongkong by ourselves. As the rest can make it due the Vitamin M. 2002 Went over to KL with ed, han n james In which the amount we spend is enough for Taiwan. Too bad it had been spent. 2004 A bigger group of us went over to Taiwan. Ed, Kel, Han, Me plus dexing and zhide Some have ways to convert a chinese OS to english. Which till now haven seen it been done. 2005 With Han n colleague went to thailand. Read up 2005 oct, trip is decrible there. 2006 KL/ Genting trip. 1st time driving my car up there. With ed, han and angdao...+++
Perhaps the next trip will be a few years later. Ed propsed Europe. So any other place do leave at the comments.
Meanwhile I had wrote on and this system turn lagging. Thus will add on when there is any recall of memories.
Roger so far..
DeviLbiker 3:16 at 9:18 am
New Zealand
Thailand (05)(07x2)(08)(09x3)
Japan (04)
Taiwan (04)(10)
Vietnam (03)
Hongkong (02)
Indonesia (97)