Yeah, most of my buddies will know what Im talking about. To resign from the VSC, volunteer police. Actually plan to resign on Aug. Then realised that there is lotsa fun. So delay.. As I still got much time to do it. Then someone came into my life. And make me thinking to quit again. As VSC will take up much of my time. So planned to do so on Dec. Thought that I will have at least a reason to quit. But something occur so I put off the plan. Now its already Jan. Guess that I will wait till April or May to do so. Cos by that time I started working at DLS. So at least I have some little reasons to give.
Or how about when will I quit waiting As what I had said, I want to know my feelings 1st. So I will decide when to quit or not to quit.
When will I quit my bad habits. So what is my bad habit. 1. Slack 2. Sleep in class. 3. Drive with no patience at times. 4. Never give 100% in what I do.
Roger so far..
DeviLbiker 3:16 at 6:33 pm
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