So can anyone out there tell me if GOD is fair. Be it Christ, Buddha, Allah or any other GOD. Why in this world they create such a place for us. Nothing seem fair to everyone.
Why would they create Cancer? Which cause misery to so many people. Why would they create illness? Which cause sickness to people.
Why would they take away something from someone. Some were without Sight, deaf or even speechless.
So no one they created are real perfect. There bound to be something missing from their life.
They had made the evil guys to enjoy life more. They seem to earn more money. Drive better cars and even have good girls by their side.
How about the good guys, what they gave them. Make them work the hard way up. Drive 2nd hand or cheap Japanese car. With ugly and fat girl by their side?
Anyway for me, I feel is that. GOD isnt fair. Some examples from my family..
Grandfather, Work and slog his life at his bicycleshop. To provide living for my grandmother and his 7 child. In the end what he got? Stroke, which he suffer since 1993. He cant even enjoy his retirement.
So you see around this world.. There is nothing fair.. You got some. You lose some. And this is LIFE.
Roger so far..
DeviLbiker 3:16 at 12:35 am
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